
Concilium 2016-5. 十字路口的教會法 編輯者:Felix Wilfred, Andrés Torres Queiruga, 並通過 Enrico Galavotti 此版本的完整翻譯有以下語言版本:English – Español – Deutsch – Italiano – Português 社論 Canon law is a practical legal instrument to serve the life of the people of God. It does this by providing an order that lays down rights, duties and procedures, so that life in the...
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Concilium 2020-2. « 陽剛之氣:神學和宗教挑戰 » 編輯者: Susan Abraham 和 Geraldo de Mori 和 Stefanie Knauss 此版本的完整翻譯有以下語言版本:English: Masculinities: Theological and Religious ChallengesEspañol: Masculinidades: desafíos teológicos y religiososDeutsch: Maskulinitäten – Theologische und religiöse AugabenItaliano: Maschilità plurali: sfide religiose e riflessioni teologichePortuguês: Masculinidade: desafios teológicos e religiosos 社論 In the political moment of today, it is important to...
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