
« Nonviolent Strategies to Reduce Terrorism and Violent Extremism » by Maria J. Stephan Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 Pope Francis, in his 2017 World Day of Peace (WDP) message entitled Nonviolence: A Style of Politics for Peace, called on people everywhere to practice active nonviolence, noting that “the
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« Brexit and the silence of the Church » by James Hanvey Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 To what does silence give consent? “Fog in the English Channel – Continent Cut Off!” was a headline supposed to have appeared in an English newspaper before the EU project was even
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« Ecological Works of Mercy » by Dennis T. Gonzalez Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 In 2016, Pope Francis proposed “a new work of mercy…care for our common home.” As a spiritual work, it invites usto a “grateful contemplation of God’s world…which allows us to discover in each thing a
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« Claiming the Right of Mercy in the Family: Voices of Indian Women » by Astrid Lobo Gajiwala Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 The Apostolic Letter Misericordia et misera (MM) promulgated by Pope Francis at the conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy takes its title from the dramatic episode of
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« The Logic of Unconditional Love: Mercy through the Eyes of Refugees » by Deogratias M. Rwezaura Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 Introduction The Extraordinary Year of Mercy which ended on 20 November 2016 called for a deeper reflection on God’s merciful love and its consequent action.  The invitation to
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« Restorative Justice: the Bonds of Mercy » by Linda Hogan Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 Introduction Restorative justice has become an important feature of the evolving discourse and practice of justice and has begun to transform many of the traditional, deeply held views about its nature and purpose.
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« A Field hospital after Battle. Mercy as a fundamental characteristic of God’s presence » by Erik Borgman Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 A few months into his pontificate, Pope Francis started to use a remarkable image for the Church. In an interview with Antonio Spadaro, editor in chief
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« Compassion for Justice » by Hille Haker Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 1. Walter Kasper’s Theology of Mercy And Metz’s Theology of Compassion According to Walter Kasper’s seminal study,[1] mercy, from the Latin misericordia, is a central concept for the Christian theology of the twenty-first century. Systematic Theology, however,
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« The evolution of the Works of Mercy » by James F. Keenan Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 The works of mercy throughout Christian tradition have almost always been expressed as communal practices for responding to evident contemporary needs.  In practicing mercy, Christians have understood themselves as acting in “the
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« The New Testament and Mercy » by Teresa Okure Index – Verzeichnis – Indice – Índice – 指數 EnglishDeutschItalianoPortuguêsFrançaisEspañol中國人 MercyBarmherzigkeitMisericordiaMisericórdiaMisericordeMisericordia憐憫 The Catholic Biblical Association of Nigeria (CABAN) habitually explores biblical themes by approaching a given topicas it occurs “in the Bible”. The approachis in response to the tendency of Bible loving Christians in Nigeria
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