
Issues available in four (4) languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish

Year – Issue number in the year – Issue title

2024 – 3 – Health and Healing: Ethical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspectives

2024 – 2 – Resurrection

2024 – 1 – War and Peace

2023 – 1 – Racism: Women’s Intercultural Perspectives 

2023 – 2 – Perspectives on Church and Theology in Africa

2023 – 3 – Divine Providence. Beyond the Omnipotence Paradigm

2023 – 4 – Abuses in the Church

2023 – 5 – Theology and High Education

2022 – 3 – Contextual Approaches to the Bible

2022 – 2 – Covid-19: Beyond the Anthropocene?

2022 – 1 – New Developments in Theology in Asia

2021 – 5 – The End of Life: Making Sense of our Finitude

2021 – 4 – Amazonia: Gift and Tasks

2021 – 3 – Incarnation in Post/Human age

2021 – 2 – Synodalities

2021 – 1 – Church and Theology at the Borders

2020 – 5 – Differently Able: For a Church Where All Belong

2020 – 4 – Signs of Hope in Muslim-Christian Relations

2020 – 3 – Politics, Theology and the Meaning of Power

2020 – 2 – Masculinities: Theological and Religious Challenge

2020 – 1 – Decolonial Theology : Violence, Resistance and Spiritualities

2019 – 5 – Queer Theologies: Becoming the Queer Body of Christ

2019 – 4 – Christianities and Indigenous Peoples

2019 – 3 – Technology: Between Apocalypse and Integration

2019 – 2 – Populism & Religion

2019 – 1 – The City and Global Development: Beyond the North-South Paradigm

2018 – 5 – Ecology and Theology of Nature

2018 – 4 – The Church of the Future

2018 – 3 – Wisdom and the People’s Theology

2018 – 2 – Human Security

2018 – 1 – Asian Christianities

2017 – 5 – Literature and Theology

2017 – 4 – Mercy

2017 – 3 – Minorities

2017 – 2 – Reformation

2017 – 1 – Dialogue of Cultural and Religious Rationalities

2016 – 5 – Revision of Canon Law

2016 – 4 – Religious Freedom

2016 – 3 – Suffering and God

2016 – 2 – Family – Families

2016 – 1 – Journeys of Liberation: Joys and Hopes for the Future

2015 – 5 – Silence

2015 – 4 – Neurosciences, theology and anthropology

2015 – 3 – Globalization and the Church of the Poor

2015 – 2 – Young Catholics Reshaping the Church

2015 – 1 – Religion and Identity in Post Conflict Societies

2014 – 5 – Corruption

2014 – 4 – Christianity, Consumerism and the Market

2014 – 3 – The Return of Apocalypticism

2014 – 2 – Christian Orthodoxy

2014 – 1 – Living with Diversity

2013 – 5 – Orthodoxy :

2013 – 4 – The Ambivalence of Sacrifice

2013 – 3 – Saints and Sanctity Today

2013 – 2 – Postcolonial Theology

2013 – 1 – Reconciliation: Empowering Grace

2012 – 5 – Water

2012 – 4 – Gender and Theology

2012 – 3 – Vatican II begins: 50 years after

2012 – 2 – Theologians and Bishops

2012 – 1 – Sacramentalizing Human History

2011 – 5 – Economy and Religion

2011 – 4 – Lord and Life Giver: Reflections on the Spirit Today

2011 – 3 – Human Trafficking

2011 – 2 – Being Christian

2011 – 1 – From World Mission to Inter-Religious Witness

2010 – 5 – Oceania and Its Indigenous Theologies

2010 – 4 – Atheism

2010 – 3 – Natural Law

2010 – 2 – The Bible As Word of God

2010 – 1 – Ministries in the Church

2009 – 5 – Fathers of Latin America

2009 – 4 – Monotheism

2009 – 3 – Ecotheology

2009 – 2 – Which Religious Heritages for the Future?

2009 – 1 – Evil today and struggles to be human

2008 – 5 – Facing Migration movement in a Global World. How Catholic Theology offers many clues

2008 – 4 – The Many faces of Mary

2008 – 3 – Jesus as Christ: What is at Stake in Christology?

2008 – 2 – China and Christianity

2008 – 1 – Homosexualities

2007 – 5 – Ages of Life and Christian Experience

2007 – 4 – Christianity and Democracy

2007 – 3 – AIDS

2007 – 2 – Land Conflicts, Land Utopias

2007 – 1 – Pluralist Theology: The Emerging Paradigm

2006 – 5 – The Resurrection of the Dead

2006 – 4 – African Christianities

2006 – 3 – Women’s Voices in World Religions

2006 – 2 – Theology in a World of Specialization

2006 – 1 – The New Pontificate: A Time for Change?

2005 – 5 – Islam and Enlightenment

2005 – 4 – Vatican II: A Forgotten Future

2005 – 3 – Christianity in Crisis?

2005 – 2 – Hunger, Bread and the Eucharist

2005 – 1 – Cyberspace — Cyberethics — Cybertheology

2004 – 5 – A Different World is Possible

2004 – 4 – Job’s God

2004 – 3 – The Structural Betrayal of Trust

2004 – 2 – Rethinking Europe

2004 – 1 – Original Sin: A Code of Fallibility

2003 – 5 – Reconciliation in a World of Conflicts

2003 – 4 – Learning from other Faiths

2003 – 3 – ‘Movimenti’ in the Church

2003 – 2 – The Discourse of Human Dignity

2003 – 1 – Rethinking Martyrdom

2002 – 5 – The Rights of Women

2002 – 4 – Religious Education of Boys and Girls

2002 – 3 – Brazil: People and Church(es)

2002 – 2 – Body and Religion

2002 – 1 – The Many Voices of the Bible

2001 – 5 – Globalization and its Victims

2001 – 4 – In Search of Universal Values

2001 – 3 – The Ecumenical Constitution of Churches

2001 – 2 – The Return of the Just War

2001 – 1 – God: Experience and Mystery

2000 – 5 – In the Power of Wisdom (Feminist Spiritualities of Struggle)

2000 – 4 – The Bright Side of Faith

2000 – 3 – Religion During and After Communism

2000 – 2 – Creating Identity

2000 – 1 – Evolution and Faith

1999 – 5 – 2000: Reality and Hope

1999 – 4 – Faith in a Culture of Self-Gratification

1999 – 3 – Feminist Theology: The Non-Ordination of Women and the Politics of Power

1999 – 2 – Frontier Violations: The Beginnings of New Identities

1999 – 1 – Unanswered Questions

1998 – 5 – Illness and Healing

1998 – 4 – Is the World Ending?

1998 – 3 – Women’s Sacred Scriptures

1998 – 2 – The Ethics of Genetic Engineering

1998 – 1 – The Fascination of Evil

1997 – 5 – The Return of the Plague

1997 – 4 – Religion as a Source of Violence?

1997 – 3 – The Church in Fragments: Towards What Kind of Unity?

1997 – 2 – Outside the Market No Salvation?

1997 – 1 – Scripture: Who do you say that I am?

1996 – 6 – The Holy Russian Church and Western Christianity

1996 – 5 – From Life to Law

1996 – 4 – Pilgrimage

1996 – 3 – Pentecostal Movements as an Ecumenical Challenge

1996 – 2 – Little Children Suffer

1996 – 1 – Feminist Theology in Different Contexts

1995 – 6 – Religion and Nationalism

1995 – 5 – Ecology and Poverty

1995 – 4 – The Family

1995 – 3 – Liturgy and the Body

1995 – 2 – The Many Faces of the Divine

1995 – 1 – The Bible as Cultural Heritage :

1994 – 6 – Fundamental Theology: Why Theology?

1994 – 5 – Ecclesial Institutions: Catholic Identity

1994 – 4 – Spirituality: Mysticism and the Institutional Crisis

1994 – 3 – Ecumenism: Islam: A Challenge for Christianity

1994 – 2 – Practical Theology: Christianity and Cultures: A Mutual Enrichment

1994 – 1 – Feminist Theology: Violence against Women

1993 – 6 – Sociology of Religion: Mass Media

1993 – 5 – Dogma: Reincarnation or Resurrection?

1993 – 4 – Moral Theology: Migrants and Refugees

1993 – 3 – Liturgy: The Specter of Mass Death

1993 – 2 – Third World Theology: Any Room for Christ in Asia?

1993 – 1 – Scripture: Messianism through History

1992 – 6 – Fundamental Theology: The Debate on Modernity

1992 – 5 – Church Order: The Tabu of Democracy in the Church

1992 – 4 – Spirituality: Where is God? A Cry of Human Distress

1992 – 3 – Ecumenism: Fundamentalism as an Ecumenical Challenge

1992 – 2 – Practical Theology: The New Europe: A Challenge for Christians

1992 – 1 – Special Issue: Towards the African Synod

1991 – 6 – Feminist Theology: The Special Nature of Women?

1991 – 5 – Sociology of Religion: Rerum Novarum: One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Teaching

1991 – 4 – Dogma: No Heaven without Earth

1991 – 3 – Moral Theology: Aging

1991 – 2 – Liturgy: The Pastoral Care of the Sick

1991 – 1 – Exegesis: The Bible and Its Readers

1990 – 6 – Third World Theology: 1492–1992 The Voice of the Victims

1990 – 5 – Practical Theology: Coping with Failure

1990 – 4 – Ecclesiastical Institutions: Collegiality Put to the Test

1990 – 3 – Spirituality: Asking and Thanking

1990 – 2 – Ecumenism: The Ethics of World Religions and Human Rights

1990 – 1 – Special Issue: On the Threshold of the Third Millennium

1989 – 6 – Feminist Theology: Motherhood: Experience, Institution, Theology

1989 – 5 – Sociology of Religion: Sport

1989 – 4 – Dogma: World Catechism or Inculturation?

1989 – 3 – Moral Theology: Ethics in the Natural Sciences

1989 – 2 – Liturgy: Music and the Experience of God

1989 – 1 – Fundamental Theology: The French Revolution and the Church

1988 – 6 – Exegesis – Church History: Truth and Its Victims

1988 – 5 – Third World Theology: Theologies of the Third World: Convergences and Differences

1988 – 4 – Practical Theology: Diakonia: Church for the Others

1988 – 3 – Ecclesiastical Institutions: Power In the Church

1988 – 2 – Spirituality: Christian Identity

1988 – 1 – Ecumenism: A Council for Peace

1987 – 6 – Feminist Theology: Woman, Work and Poverty

1987 – 5 – Religious Sociology: The Church and Christian Democracy

1987 – 4 – Dogma: Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy

1987 – 3 – Moral Theology: Changing Values and Virtues

1987 – 2 – Liturgy: The Fate of Confession

1987 – 1 – Scripture and Church History: The Exodus — A Lasting Paradigm

1986 – 6 – Special Issue: Synod 1985: An Evaluation

1986 – 5 – Third World Theology: Option for the Poor! Challenge to the Rich Countries

1986 – 4 – Practical Theology: Popular Religion

1986 – 3 – Church Order: Canon Law — Church Reality

1986 – 2 – Spirituality: Forgiveness

1986 – 1 – Ecumenism: Christianity Among World Religions

1985 – 6 – Feminist Theology: Women — Invisible in Church and Theology

1985 – 5 – Sociology of Religion: Youth Without a Future?

1985 – 4 – Dogma: The Teaching Authority of the Believers

1985 – 3 – Moral Theology: Suicide and the Right to Die

1985 – 2 – Liturgy: Blessing and Power

1985 – 1 – Fundamental Theology: Monotheism

1984 – 6 – Third World Theology: La Iglesia Popular: Between Fear and Hope

1984 – 5 – Sacred Scripture: The Holocaust as Interruption

1984 – 4 – Practical Theology: The Transmission of the Faith to the Next Generation

1984 – 3 – Sociology of Religion: The Sexual Revolution

1984 – 2 – Moral Theology: The Ethics of Liberation — The Liberation of Ethics

1984 – 1 – Fundamental Theology and Practical Theology: Different Theologies, Common Responsibility: Babel or Pentecost?

1983 – 10 – Special Number: Twenty Years of Concilium-Retrospect and Prospect

1983 – 9 – Spirituality: Job and the Silence of God

1983 – 8 – Ecumenism: Mary in the Churches

1983 – 7 – Ecclesial Institutions: The Ecumenical Council and the Church Constitution

1983 – 6 – Project X: Theology and Cosmology

1983 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Indifference to Religion :

1983 – 4 – Practical Theology: Church and Peace

1983 – 3 – Dogma: Martyrdom Today

1983 – 2 – Liturgy: A Creative Tradition

1983 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: New Religious Movements

1982 – 10 – Moral Theology: Unemployment and the Right to Work

1982 – 9 – Spirituality: Learning to pray

1982 – 8 – Ecumenism: The Right to Dissent

1982 – 7 – Church Order: May Church Ministers be Politicians?

1982 – 6 – Project ‘X’: The Challenge of Psychology to Faith

1982 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Is Being Human a Criterion of Being Christian?

1982 – 4 – Practical Theology: Religion and Churches in Eastern Europe

1982 – 3 – Dogma: Jesus, Son of God?

1982 – 2 – Liturgy: Can we always celebrate the Eucharist?

1982 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: The Church and Racism

1981 – 10 – Moral Theology: Christian Ethics: Uniformity, Universality, Pluralism

1981 – 9 – Spirituality: Francis of Assisi Today

1981 – 8 – Ecumenism: Who Has the Say in the Church?

1981 – 7 – Ecclesial Institutions: The Revised Code of Canon Law: a Missed Opportunity?

1981 – 6 – Project X: Where Does the Church Stand?

1981 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Nietzsche and Christianity

1981 – 4 – Practical Theology: Tensions Between the Churches of the First World and the Third World

1981 – 3 – Dogma: God as Father

1981 – 2 – Liturgy: The Times of Celebration

1981 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: Neo-Conservatism: Social and Religious Phenomenon

1980 – 10 – Moral Theology: Christian Ethics and Economics: the North-South Conflict

1980 – 9 – Spirituality: Christian Obedience

1980 – 8 – Ecumenism: Conflicting Ways of Interpreting the Bible

1980 – 7 – Ecclesial Institutions: Electing our Own Bishops

1980 – 6 – Project X: What is Religion? An Inquiry for Christian Theology

1980 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: True and False Universality of Christianity

1980 – 4 – Practical Theology: Women in a Men’s Church

1980 – 3 – Dogma: Right of the Community to a Priest

1980 – 2 – Liturgy: Symbol and Art in Worship

1980 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: Work and Religion

1979 – 10 – Moral Theology: The Dignity of the Despised of the Earth

1979 – 9 – Spirituality: Models of Holiness

1979 – 8 – Ecumenism: Conflicts about the Holy Spirit

1979 – 7 – Ecclesial Institutions: The Roman Curia and the Communion of Churches

1979 – 6 – Project X: China as a Challenge to the Church

1979 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Christianity and the Bourgeoisie

1979 – 4 – Practical Theology: The Church and the Rights of Man

1979 – 3 – Dogma: Heaven

1979 – 2 – Liturgy: Structures of Initiation in Crisis

1979 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: The Family in Crisis or in Transition

1978 – 10 – Moral Theology: The Death Penalty and Torture

1978 – 9 – Spirituality: Discernment of the Spirit and of Spirits

1978 – 8 – Ecumenism: An Ecumenical Confession of Faith?

1978 – 7 – Canon Law: The Finances of the Church

1978 – 6 – Project X: Buddhism and Christianity

1978 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Doing Theology in New Places

1978 – 4 – Practical Theology: Evangelization in the World Today

1978 – 3 – Dogma: Revelation and Experience

1978 – 2 – Liturgy: Liturgy and Human Passage

1978 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: Communication in the Church

1977 – 10 – Moral Theology: Moral Formation and Christianity

1977 – 9 – Spirituality: Charisma in the Church

1977 – 8 – Ecumenism: Why Did God Make Me?

1977 – 7 – Canon Law: Judgment in the Church

1977 – 6 – Project X: The Churches of Africa: Future Prospects

1977 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Christianity and Socialism

1977 – 4 – Practical Theology: The Poor and the Church

1977 – 3 – Dogma: A Personal God? :

1977 – 2 – Liturgy: Liturgy and Cultural Religious Traditions

1977 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: Ethnicity

1974 – 10 – Spirituality & Moral Theology: Healing and the Spirit, Sexual Morality

1974 – 9 – Schillebeeckx 60th Birthday Festschrift: Experience of the Spirit

1974 – 8 – Ecumenism: Christians and Jews

1974 – 7 – Canon Law: The Future of the Religious Life

1974 – 6 – Theology of Liberation: The Mystical and Political Dimension of the Christian Faith

1974 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: Theology of Joy

1974 – 4 – Pastoral Theology: The Experience of Dying

1974 – 3 – Dogma: Jesus Christ and Human Freedom

1974 – 2 – Liturgy: Politics and Liturgy

1974 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: The Church as Institution

1973 – 10 – Power and the Word of God

1973 – 9 – Spirituality: Spiritual Revivals

1973 – 8 – Ecumenism: Polarization in the Church

1973 – 7 – Canon Law: The Future of Christian Marriage

1973 – 6 – Project X: Humanism and Christianity

1973 – 5 – Fundamental Theology: The Crisis of Religious Language

1973 – 4 – Pastoral (Practical) Theology: Political Commitment and Christian Community

1973 – 3 – Dogma: Truth and Certainty

1973 – 2 – Liturgy: Liturgical Experience of Faith

1973 – 1 – Sociology of Religion: The Persistence of Religion

1972 – 10 – Ministries in the Church

1972 – 9 – Prayer

1972 – 8 – Celibacy of the Catholic Priest

1972 – 7 – Election — Consensus — Reception

1972 – 6 – The God Question

1972 – 5 – Man in a New Society

1972 – 4 – Mutual Recognition of Ecclesial Ministries?

1972 – 3 – Reform of the Church

1972 – 2 – Liturgy and the Ministry

1972 – 1 – The Bishop and the Unity of the Church

1971 – 10 – Theology, Exegesis and Proclamation

1971 – 9 – Spirituality, Public or Private?

1971 – 8 – Contestation in the Church

1971 – 7 – The Self-Understanding of the Church

1971 – 6 – Fundamental Theology in the Church

1971 – 5 – The Manipulation of Man

1971 – 4 – The Petrine Ministry in the Church

1971 – 3 – Democratization of the Church

1971 – 2 – Worship of Christian Man Today

1971 – 1 – The Sacramental Administration of Reconciliation

1970 – 10 – Immortality and Resurrection

1970 – 9 – Hope

1970 – 8 – Structures of the Church’s Presence in the World of Today

1970 – 7 – Church History at a Turning Point

1970 – 6 – Moral Evil Under Challenge

1970 – 5 – The Future of Marriage as Institution

1970 – 4 – Post-Ecumenical Christianity

1970 – 3 – Catechetics for the Future

1970 – 2 – Prayer and Community

1970 – 1 – Tension between Church and Faith

1969 – 10 – The Presence and Absence of God

1969 – 9 – An Anxious Society Looks to the Gospel

1969 – 8 – The Dynamism of Canon Law

1969 – 7 – Sacralization and Secularization in the History of the Church

1969 – 6 – Fundamental Theology

1969 – 5 – Profession and Responsibility in Society

1969 – 4 – Courage Needed

1969 – 3 – The Ministry and Life of Priests Today

1969 – 2 – The Future of the Liturgy

1969 – 1 – Dogma (Eschatology)

1968 – 10 – The Eucharist: Celebrating the Presence of the Lord.

1968 – 9 – Christian Life and Eschatology

1968 – 8 – Order and the Sacraments

1968 – 7 – Prophecy

1968 – 6 – Faith and the World of Politics

1968 – 5 – The Church and Social Morality

1968 – 4 – Apostolic by Succession?

1968 – 3 – Preaching the Word of God

1968 – 2 – Death and Burial: Theology and Liturgy

1968 – 1 – Man, World and Sacrament

1967 – 10 – The Value of the Old Testament

1967 – 9 – Spirituality and Politics

1967 – 8 – Canon Law — Theology and Renewal

1967 – 7 – Church History

1967 – 6 – Evolution

1967 – 5 – Morality, Progress and History

1967 – 4 – The Debate on the Sacraments

1967 – 3 – Atheism and Indifference

1967 – 2 – Adult Baptism and Initiation

1967 – 1 – Revelation and Dogma

1966 – 10 – The Bible and Tradition

1966 – 9 – Religion less Christianity?

1966 – 8 – Religious freedom

1966 – 7 – Historical investigations

1966 – 6 – Christian Faith vs. Atheism

1966 – 5 – War, poverty, freedom: the Christian response

1966 – 4 – Do we know the others?

1966 – 3 – Pastoral Mission after Vatican II

1966 – 2 – The Church worships

1966 – 1 – Who is Jesus of Nazareth?

1965 – 10 – Scripture: Inspiration and Authority

1965 – 9 – Spirituality: Spirituality in church and world

1965 – 8 – Canon Law: Pastoral reform in church government

1965 – 7 – Church History

1965 – 6 – The Church and the World

1965 – 5 – Moral Theology

1965 – 4 – Ecumenism

1965 – 3 – The Pastoral mission of the church

1965 – 2 – Liturgy

1965 – 1 – Dogma – General introduction to Concilium

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