Concilium: International Journal of Theology


    • Anton van den Boogaard
    • Paul Brand
    • Yves Congar OP †
    • Hans Küng
    • Johann-Baptist Metz
    • Karl Rahner, SJ †
    • Edward Schillebeeckx OP †


    • Jan Peters SJ (Nederlands) (-2007)
    • Felix Wilfred (India) (2007-018)
    • Thierry-Marie Courau OP (France) (2018-)

Current Editors

Susan AbrahamDirector (Los Angeles-EE.UU.); Michel Andraos (Chicago-EE.UU.); Mile Babić, O.F.M. (Sarajevo-Bosnia y Herzegovina); Michelle Becka (Wurzburgo-Alemania); Sharon A. Bong (Selangor-Malasia); Bernardeth Caero Bustillos (Cochabamba-Bolivia); Stan Chu Ilo (Chicago-EE.UU.); Catherine Cornille (Boston-EE.UU.); Thierry-Marie Courau, O.P. – President (París-France); Geraldo Luiz De Mori, S.J. (Belo Horizonte-Brasil); Margareta Gruber, O.S.F. (Vallendar-Alemania); Linda HoganDirector (Dublín-Irlanda); Huang Po-Ho (Tainan-Taiwán); Antony John-Baptist (Bangalore-India); Stefanie KnaussDirector (Villanova-EE.UU.); Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, O.P. – Director (Ciudad de México-México); Esther Mombo (Nairobi-Kenya); Gianluca Montaldi, F.N. – Executive Secretary (Brescia-Italia); Daniel Franklin Pilario, C.M. – Director (Quezon City-Filipinas); João J. Vila-Chã, S.J. (Roma-Italia)

Detailed presentation of the current editors

Previous Editors

Regina Ammicht-Quinn (Alemania); María Pilar Aquino (Estados Unidos); José Óscar Beozzo (Brasil); Wim Beuken (Bélgica); Maria Clara Bingemer (Brasil); Leonardo Boff (Brasil); Erik Borgman, O.P. (Países Bajos); Christophe Boureux, O.P. (Francia); Lisa Sowle Cahill (Estados Unidos); John Coleman (Estados Unidos); Eamonn Conway (Irlanda); Mary Shaw Copeland (Estados Unidos); Enrico Galavotti (Chieti-Italia); Dennis Gira (Francia); Norbert Greinacher (Alemania); Gustavo Gutiérrez, O.P. (Perú); Hille Haker (Estados Unidos); Hermann Häring (Alemania); Diego Irarrazaval, C.S.C.(Chile); Werner G. Jeanrond (Reino Unido); Jean-Pierre Jossua, O.P. (Francia); Maureen Junker-Kenny (Irlanda); François Kabasele Lumbala (Rep. Dem. Congo); Hans Küng (Alemania); Karl-Joseph Kuschel (Alemania); Nicholas Lash (Reino Unido); Solange Lefebvre (Canadá); Mary-John Mananzan (Filipinas); Daniel Marguerat (Suiza); Alberto Melloni (Italia); Norbert Mette (Alemania); Johann-Baptist Metz (Alemania); Dietmar Mieth (Alemania); Jürgen Moltmann (Alemania); Paul D. Murray (Reino Unido); Sarojini Nadar (Sudáfrica); Teresa Okure (Nigeria); Aloysius Pieris, S.J. (Sri Lanka); Susan A. Ross (Estados Unidos); Giuseppe Ruggieri (Italia); Léonard Santedi Kinkupu (Rep. Dem. Congo); Silvia Scatena (Italia); Paul Schotsmans (Bélgica); Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza (Estados Unidos); Jon Sobrino, S.J. (El Salvador); Janet Martin Soskice (Reino Unido); Luiz Carlos Susin, O.F.M. (Brasil); Elsa Tamez (Costa Rica); Christoph Theobald, S.J. (Francia); Andrés Torres Queiruga (España); Marciano Vidal (España); Marie-Theres Wacker (Alemania); Elain M. Wainwright (Nueva Zelanda); Felix Wilfred (India); Ellen van Wolde (Países Bajos); Christos Yannarás (Grecia); Johannes Zizioulas (Turquía);

Deceased Editors

Giuseppe Alberigo (Italia); Gregory Baum (Canada); Marie-Dominique Chenu OP (France); Julia Ching (Canada);Mary Collins OSB (USA); Mariasusai Dhavamony SJ (Italia); Christian Duquoc OP (France);Virgil Elizondo (USA); Casiano Floristán (España); Sean Freyne (Ireland); Claude Geffré OP (France);Norbert Greinacher (Deutschland);Peter Huizing SJ (Nederland);Bas van Iersel (Nederland); René Laurentin (France); Éloi Messi Metogo OP (Cameroun – Cameroon); Roland Murphy OCarm (USA); Jacques Pohier OP (France);David Power (USA); James Provost (USA); Luigi Sartori (Italy); Miklós Tomka (Magyarország);Knut Waif (Nederland);Anton Weiler (Nederland);


List of all issues from 1965



As a community, the International Association of Conciliar Theology, we journey with people of good will who are sensitive to the challenges of our times. We reflect on Christian tradition (supported by solid scholarship) in the light of cultural and religious experiences and socio-political developments. The Scriptures narrate God’s incarnation by which Christ Jesus shares the life of the world. Traces of God’s liberating presence are found in stories and struggles of women and men that “have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

Christian people share the “joy and hope, grief and anguish of human beings of our times, especially of those who are poor or afflicted in any way” (Gaudium et Spes 1). Our international journal walks in the footsteps of those who shaped the vision arising from the Second Vatican Council. During the Council (1962-1965) the Roman Catholic Bishops decided to open the Church to a changing world and read the signs of the times in the light of the Gospel. This has been a modern starting point for church renewal and for theological re-foundation.

Since 1965, with a critical and constructive discourse, Concilium has contributed to new ways of doing theology. We want to reach our readers between the faithful and all persons of good will, leaders and members of churches and of social movements, and persons in institutions dedicated to or interested in theology. We seek to respond to the signs of our times, to the longing for a new humanity and for the integrity of creation. We are in solidarity with the irruption of the poor and with theological insights of women and men throughout the world and specially of marginalized peoples.

As a Catholic Review of Theology, Concilium reaffirms its mission within the renewal of churches and spiritualities committed to hope, love, justice and peace on this earth. It fosters international, intercultural, interreligious exchanges. It is challenged by globalization, secularism, and new forms of spirituality. Deep theological questions arise because of cultural and social challenges, of a change of epoch, of social and religious initiatives, of the search for a new and more just interrelationship between nations and cultures.

We contribute to ecumenical and to inter-religious dialogue. We deal with global factors and communications, hoping that a renewed church and “another world” are possible (World Social Forum). Thus our Review intends its contribution to the future of Christian tradition of which it is a part and to which it holds itself accountable.