
« Catholic inter-religious Marriage in a Moslem Country » by: Al. Andang L. BinawanJakarta (IDN) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières A. Preliminary Notes The 1983 Code of Canon Law can be understood as an opus magnum of the Catholic Church in the
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« The Motu proprio Mitis iudex dominus Iesus. Opportunities, challenges and potential pitfalls » by: Hildegard WarninkLeuven (BE) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières Introduction On 27 August 2014, Pope Francis established a commission to study the reform of the canonical marriage
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« Ecumenism and the Reform of Canon Law » by: George NedungattErnakulam (IN) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières The question about the proper ‘juridical form’ of the Church is an eminently ecumenical problem. … The ‘juridicism’ of the Roman Catholic
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« Theology and Canon Law: Journeying Together » by: Felix WilfredMadras (IN) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières Introduction Canon law and theology are not polar opposites as is often made out to be, but part of a common journey of
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« Legal Relevance of Canon Law » by: Rik TorfsLeuven (BE) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières 1. Putting the problematic and desire for reform in perspective Canon law is not only a matter of well formulated legislation, also its concrete
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« Light of the World – Reclaiming the Historic(al) Role of Canon Law » by: Wim DecockLeuven (BE) Table of contents – Tabla de contenidos – 目錄 Inhaltübersicht – Italiano – Tabela de conteúdo – Table de matières Introduction Over a period of more than five hundred years, canon lawyers have profoundly shaped the development
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Concilium 2016-5. Canon Law at the Crossroad edited by:Felix Wilfred, Andrés Torres Queiruga, and Enrico Galavotti Full translations of this edition are available in the following languages:English – Español – Deutsch – Italiano – Português Editorial Canon law is a practical legal instrument to serve the life of the people of God. It does this by
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