
Concilium 2017-3. Minoranze A cura di: Daniel Franklin Pilario, Susan Ross e Solange Lefebvre  Full translations of this edition are available in the following languages:English: MinoritiesEspañol: MinoríasDeutsch: MinderheitenItaliano: Le minoranzePortuguês: Minoridades Editorial: Minoranze Right wing nationalism is on the rise and the lives of minorities are placed under constant threat. After Donald Trump’s recent victory
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« Chiese allo specchio: i Rom(a) come test evangelico » Di: Cristina Simonelli Table of contents – Table de matières – Indice – Inhaltsverzeichnis – 指數English: Minorities – – Italiano: MinoranzeFrançois: Minorités – – Português: MinoridadesDeutsch: Minderheiten – – Español: Minorías – – 中國人: 並通過 La drammatica lezione dei genocidi del secolo scorso, in particolare di quello
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