
Many see this dispute over patent rights as a conflict between charity and prosperity. However, what they would not understand is that both can and should be considered in public health deliberations to end the pandemic. Pharmaceutical companies can serve the common good in charity while still serving their shareholders in prosperity.
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Transforming Church – Table of contents: German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English Fr. Mbaka and the Renewal of Catholic Spirituality in an African Style by Stan Chu Ilo(DePaul University, Chicago – USA)@stanchuilo Introduction I contend in this essay that the Catholic Church in Africa can no longer dismiss Pentecostal or Charismatic groups as marginal Christians...
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Transforming Church – Table of contents: German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English Church’s accountability as a narrative of its credibility by Gianluca Montaldi(Università Cattolica del S. Cuore – Brescia, Italy)@GianGiBar Introduction In modern times, among the tasks that research has attributed to fundamental theology, the task of showing the credibility of the church has taken...
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Transforming Church – Table of contents: German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English What the CIASE report on abuse in the Catholic Church in France (1950-2020) says to theology and theologians by Massimo Faggioli(Villanova University)@MassimoFaggioli The CIASE commission’s report on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in France between 1950 and 2020 been released on October...
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Transforming Church – Table of contents: German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English What It Costs to Be Pope Francis. The Pope through Asian eyes by Felix Wilfred, Emeritus Professor, State University of Madras, India. (Keynote address delivered at an International Conference on Pope Francis, held at the Pontifical Faculty Jnanadeepa Vidyapeeth, Pune, India, November, 2019)  Arguably,...
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Transforming Church – Table of contents: German, Italian, Portuguese, French, Spanish, English To abort or not to abort – that is not the only question Sharon A. Bong When men who rule and decide the fate of others—mainly vulnerable women and the occasional powerful man—invoke the name of the Father, we often lose sight of...
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Transforming the Church Edited by Stan Llu Cho, Gianluca Montaldi A New Concilium Proposal Why an Online Conversation? Ways of Proceeding Editorial Thinking about the transformation of the Church to enable it to respond ever better to its mission is an activity that is born with its constitution. At the end of the last Council,...
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Transforming the Church Edited by Stan Llu Cho, Gianluca Montaldi A New Concilium Proposal Why an Online Conversation? Ways of Proceeding Editorial Thinking about the transformation of the Church to enable it to respond ever better to its mission is an activity that is born with its constitution. At the end of the last Council,...
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