
Welcoming New Board Members

We recognize our New Members in the Editorial Board who will serve a term of 4 years: 2024 Jonas Hagedorn                    Bochum (Germany) Cesar Kuzma                         Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Richard Wood               
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2024 Concilium Annual Meeting in Palermo, Sicily

By Leo Guardado The Concilium board of editors gathered from May 18-21, 2024 in Palermo, Sicily for the journal’s annual meeting. Meetings were held in the Convento del Carmine Maggiore, run by the Carmelite fathers. The historic church and convent provided a simple and quiet environment for lodging, prayer, and discernment regarding important issues for
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Two more friends

We are grateful and proud to be able to announce that two new members were added to the Board during the annual meeting. This is an extraordinary co-option, as the Board normally provides for only 20 members. However, next year many of the Board are coming to the end of their cooperation with Concilium, and
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Concilium’s annual meeting concluded last Sunday… As always, the discussion was useful and there is quite a bit of news. We will slowly tell you about them. At the moment just a wonderful photo of the members present in Nairobi: starting from the left, Carlos Mendoza-Álvarez, Catherine Cornille, Carlos Schickendantz, Margareta Gruber, Michel Andraos, Susan
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The German Index

Thanks to the kindness of Prof. M.-T. Wacker, we can make available the indexes of the German edition, from 1965 to 2012. You can also download them as a single *zip file on our download page.
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The Founders’ issue (edited)

On the occasion of H. Küng’s death, the Board of Concilium wondered about the legacy received from him and all the founders. From this first reflection, the idea was born to collect in a single volume some articles by Y. Congar (introduced by an essay by R. Gaillardetz), by K. Rahner (introduced by an essay
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Nairobi: 2022 Concilium annual meeting

We are very pleased to announce that our annual meetings may seem to resume this year. Our meeting will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from July 15-17, 2022, on the occasion of the II Pan-African Catholic Congress on Theology, Society and Pastoral Life (July 17-23, 2022). We look forward to this moment with great desire
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You can now check if your authors or themes are in the media content. You can search directly from the table you can find under the menu of articles in original language, in the page called “Authors”. We hope this new utility will really serve your education and research.
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You can now help our research and our project with a donation.Even though our organisation is based on voluntary work, it still has its own costs. You can help us.The traditional method is to subscribe to one of the language editions that publish 5 issues of our magazine on paper every year.An alternative way is
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